EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Visits Valley

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy visited Fresno on Wednesday, as part of a day long visit to the valley to meet with agricultural stakeholders.  WAPA staff Roger Isom, Casey Creamer and Aimee Brooks attended a special meeting to discuss air quality issues at Melkonian Farms near Fresno.  WAPA President Isom specifically addressed the success of “incentive programs” to address air quality issue citing the recent success of the tractor replacement program through the SanJoaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District.  Isom also mentioned the success that happens when the agencies work with agriculture including the success of the Conservation Management Plan (CMP) program to address PM10 emissions from agriculture that resulted in more reductions in emissions than originally proposed.

WAPA President Isom speaking to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy and EPA Region IX Administrator Jared Blumenfeld


ARB holds Truck and Bus Regulation Workshop

WAPA attended ARB’s presentation today regarding their proposed amendments to the Truck and Bus Regulation. Agenda items included overview of the current rule, the new proposed amendments, and a chance for stakeholders to voice their concerns. The meeting was extremely well attended with over 70 concerned individuals in attendance. WAPA’s President, Roger Isom testified at the workshop noting troubles with the diesel particulate filters and proposed several changes to the current regulation. Isom’s proposed changes to ARB staff included extending the sign up period for compliance extension, extending compliance dates for Ag categories, and extending the trade up program from 2014 to 2018.

In conjunction with the meeting was the deadline for Prop 1B funding through the SJV Air Pollution Control District that helps owners by replacing older trucks or engines.

More information about the Truck and Bus Regulation is available on ARB’s website: Questions regarding reporting can be directed to Lastly, questions regarding the regulation and compliance can be answer at ARB’s hotline at 866-6-DIEDEL or through email at

CCGGA Hosts State Water Board Chair

CCGGA along with the Nisei Farmers League, California Citrus Mutual, California Grape and Tree Fruit League, Kings River Conservation District, and  the Western Agricultural Processors Association recently hosted State Water Resources Control Board Chair Felicia Marcus for a visit and tour of our member’s operations. In a pre-tour meeting, the groups stressed the importance of incentive funding to help growers comply and advance water quality goals. Continuing fee increases on processing facilities and irrigated lands program acreage fees was also a focus during the meeting. During the tour we visited with two small farm operations, Grower Director Mark McKean’s farm, and a tree fruit and vine grower. The tour highlighted the diversity in agricultural and the importance of using a variety of farming approaches that fit the needs of specific growers in specific regions and on specific soils. Ms. Marcus was appointed Chair of the SWRCB following former Chair and rice grower Charlie Hoppin’s retirement. She is no stranger to the issues faced by agriculture having previously served as the Regional Administrator of EPA Region 9 headquartered in San Francisco during implementation of the Pesticide VOC program.


CCGGA hosted Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen this past month on a tour of an almond huller, farm and a cotton gin.   The Assemblywoman toured the Dos Palos Co. Op. Gin and even had the opportunity to drive a tractor!  Assemblywoman Olsen is the Vice Chair for the Assembly Ag Committee. The tour was a huge success with the Assemblywoman “tweeting” about her stops along the entire tour!  The tour was part of CCGGA’s ongoing program to bring legislators and regulators to our operations to educate about them on the critical issues affecting our industry.

Ron Leach of the Hulling Company explains the almond hulling process to Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen