After receiving numerous reports from growers, PCA’s and Cooperative Extension representatives regarding the severe Lygus populations in California cotton, the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association (CCGGA) immediately went to work in preparing a Section 18 Crisis Emergency Exemption for sulfoxaflor (aka Transform®). Given the extended winter season and increased rains, a perfect storm was created to give Lygus the ideal conditions to grow to large populations, many indicating this is the worst they have ever seen. With the assistance from UCCE IPM Specialist Peter Goodell, state cotton specialist Bob Hutmacher and the representatives at Dow AgroSciences, CCGGA was able to prepare and submit an application within a week’s timeframe. Throughout the entire process, CCGGA has been engaged in communication with the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to convey the urgency and time sensitive nature of getting this application approved. It is hoped with this particular Section 18 being categorized as a “crisis”, DPR and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) will speed up the process to allow timely access to growers. At this point there is no timeline as to when the product will be able to be used, CCGGA staff are in contact with DPR on a daily basis conveying the urgency and will provide updates as they become available.