It’s time for nominations to be submitted for the upcoming election of directors to open positions on the Board of Directors of the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association. There are four (4) Grower Director terms expiring this year, including Bryan Bone and Jake Cauzza of Kern County, and Cannon Michael and a vacancy in Merced County. The positions are for these specific counties. There are also four (4) Ginner Director terms expiring this year, including Rosie Navarro, Adrianne Carbonel, Wade Van Hooser and Matt Toste. Nominations forms are being sent out this week and all nomination forms must be completed and returned to the Association office by Wednesday, November 27th, 2024. Please take time to nominate one or more Ginner or Grower candidates in good standing with the Association (and yourself if you intend to be a candidate) and make sure that each person you name agrees to being nominated and files the Candidate Statement form required to be placed on the ballot for the upcoming election. The form must be completed for each nomination, so please copy the form if you nominate more than one person and provide the form to each person you nominate. Thank you for your participation in the process. Please feel free to contact me at (559)252-0684 or via email at if you have any questions.