Cal/OSHA Recordkeeping Requirements

Reminder – the annual posting of the Cal/OSHA 300A Summary, which lists the total number of job-related illnesses and injuries that occurred during 2020, must be posted from February 1st – April 30th, 2021. The summary must list the total number of job-related injuries and illnesses that occurred in 2020and were logged on your Cal/OSHA Form 300, Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses. If no injuries or illnesses occurred in 2020, you must post the summarywith “zeros” on the total line.  The form must be signed and certified by a company executive and should be displayed in a common area where notices to employees are usually posted. In addition, employerswith 20 or more employees, must upload the Summary data by March 2, 2021 to the OSHA ITA website Please visit our website for Recordkeeping Forms or contact our office.