Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Update

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWB) has begun conducting outreach and educational meetings between interested stakeholders, as well as the overall public, on their recently proposed order.  The East San Joaquin WDR Proposed Order is a draft regulation that will essentially eliminate all of the work being done through the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program.  The changes made to the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program through this Draft Order include the re-designation of all areas within California as Highly Vulnerable to groundwater threats, the power to collect and organize Farm Evaluation Plans and Nitrogen Management Plans no longer sits with the Coalitions and that same information will be submitted directly to the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWB), as well as require wells that supply drinking water to communities to be monitored continuously.  These changes directly affect the functionality of the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, and also add a significant burden to the Regional Water Board to collect and store all of the data.

Pursuant to the release of the draft Proposed Order, watershed coalitions have begun meeting with SWB representatives in an effort to find some ways to push back.  WAPA also took the opportunity to voice concerns over recent actions by meeting with Pamela Creedon, Executive Officer for the Regional Water Quality Control Board.  Creedon voiced as much concern over the proposed changes and the adjustments that her department will need to make in order to satisfy their burden in receiving this information.  The Association then took the time to meet with Felicia Marcus, Chair of the State Water Board.  Marcus took a more defensive stance of the proposed order, stating that she felt confident the Board would be able to handle the changes the proposed order creates.  The Association has also found opportunities to participate in Coalition led meetings, which focus primarily on the areas of the proposed order that can be challenged and possibly thrown out.  Comment letters for the ESJ Proposed Order are due by May 18th. A public workshop will be held at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District on May 17th, if you would like to participate or attend the public workshop, feel free to contact the Association’s Director of Technical Services, Chris McGlothlin.

Association Meets with ARB on Proposed Forklift and TRU Regulations

Association President/CEO Roger Isom and Director of Regulatory Affairs Jodi Raley attended a meeting with the California Air Resources Board today on the proposed next versions of the Large Spark Ignited (LSI) Regulation, which regulates forklifts and floor sweepers/scrubbers, and the Transportation Refrigeration Unit (TRU) Regulation. The first steps in this process is to “survey” the industry, and the Association reviewed and commented on the proposed survey and how it would be carried out for cotton gins. Following this meeting, the Association will be conducting a survey for the industry that will be used to help formulate the rule. This was conducted in the original forklift rulemaking and one of the reasons the ag provisions of the forklift rule where much more lenient than the general business requirements. It is this level of involvement in the process that will hopefully provide the best outcome possible given the state’s air quality issues.

forklift 1

Kings County Sheriff’s Office BOL Kubota RTV 900

Please click here to view.

Thank you,

For General Questions regarding the CRCPTF and Membership please contact the following members:
President – Chad Parker
Vice President – Kristie Dougan  kdougan@SBCSD.ORG
Secretary – Neil Bailey
Treasurer – Robert Winn

For BOLO distribution – Bo Houngviengkham

Recent Changes to CRCPTF Crime Alerts

CRCPTF has recently changed the format of its news alerts in order to provide you information more efficiently and to add new features. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to send them to CRCPTF.

Association Supports Agricultural Equipment Trade-Up Program

Association President/CEO Roger Isom testified this week at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board Meeting in support of the Air District’s proposed “Trade-Up Program”.  The new program would be funded by $500,000 in Cap & Trade Funds from the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  The money would be used to purchase new agricultural equipment (tractors and harvesters) to replace existing Tier 2 and Tier 3 agricultural equipment.  Then, rather than crushing the Tier 2/3 equipment, it would be provided free of charge to growers to replace existing Tier 0 equipment that might not otherwise be replaced due to financial constraints or limited use.  The Tier 2/3 tractors will be inspected and the Air District will spend up to an additional $5,000 to repair this equipment for use.  A big focus will be on harvesting equipment which tends to have a low use.   The new pilot program will go into effect later this summer, and the Association is already lining up growers and equipment for the pilot program.  If it is successful, it could lead to a more permanent program.

California Cotton Acreage on the Rebound

The drought is not over, but for the first time in six years, cotton acreage will increase in California according to preliminary survey conducted by the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Associations this past month.  The Association is currently estimating approximately 145,000 acres of pima and 61,000 acres of upland statewide.   Now, this is preliminary and a lot can happen between now and when things are actually planted, but based on the survey this is our best estimate.  If it plays out, it will represent a 19% increase in pima acreage and a 24% increase in upland acreage in California as compared to 2015.

2016 CA Cotton Ginners Association Annual Meeting – Monterey

We are gearing up for the 2016 Annual California Cotton Ginners Association meeting in Monterey on Wednesday, June 1st through Friday, June 3rd at the Monterey Marriott.  There will be a welcome reception on Wednesday night for the early arrivals.  On Thursday we will be having our golf tournament and for non-golfers it will be an open day, with a reception dinner, and annual award presentations on Thursday evening.  The Board of Directors will hold their regularly scheduled board meeting on Friday morning followed by the Ginners Annual Meeting featuring guest speakers covering the “hot topic” issues in the industry.

2016 Ginner Registration

2016 Associate Registration

Update on CA’s mandatory Paid Sick Leave (PSL)

Following is TPO’s recap of CA’s mandatory Paid Sick Leave (PSL) with yellow highlights representing areas of change with the 7/13/15 “clean-up” law.

Employers who revised/created their policies to comply with PSL prior to 7/1/15  may choose to make further revisions in light of the “PSL clean-up” law, though revisions are not required and some employers may choose to not further revise their policies.

The Department of Industrial Relation’s (DIR’s) website was updated in October 2015 to reflect the 7/13/15 law (

3 4 16 – TPO’s PSL Recap CoBranded (002)

Louie Colombini Named “National Cotton Ginner of the Year”!


Louie Colombini, Westside Farmers Co-op Gin was named the winner of the 2015 Horace Hayden National Cotton Ginner of the Year by the National Cotton Ginners Association, this month at the National Cotton Council Annual Meeting in Dallas, Texas.  Louie is one of the most active Ginners in California Cotton Ginners Association.  He is a past Chairman of this Association in 2000-2001, Ginner of the Year recipient in 2002, and longtime and current board member.  Currently, Louie sits on the Association’s Joint Steering, Safety, and Energy Committees.  Additionally, Louie has served as a board member for the San Joaquin Valley Cotton Board.  Finally, on the national level, Louie has been a longtime Ginner delegate to the National Cotton Council.   Louie is a member of, and serve as a Eucharistic Minister for the St. Phillip’s Catholic Church.  He is a past Grand Knight of the Knights of Columbus.  Louie was also involved in the Boy Scouts for 15 years.  Louie has been a significant contributor to the California cotton ginning industry for many years, and is a shining example of the leadership within our industry.    Congratulations to Louie Colombini!


The Zenith Agribusiness Solutions – BOL – Stolen 2015 Honda TRX420 ATV – (Madera County)

If the vehicle is located, please notify the The Zenith Insurance Company.

Please click here to view BOL.

Thank you,


For General Questions regarding the CRCPTF and Membership please contact the following members:

President – Chad Parker

Vice President – Kristie Dougan  kdougan@SBCSD.ORG

Secretary – Rodney Blaco

Treasurer – Robert Winn

For BOLO distribution – Bo Houngviengkham

Recent Changes to CRCPTF Crime Alerts

CRCPTF has recently changed the format of its news alerts in order to provide you information more efficiently and to add new features. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to send them to CRCPTF.

About the CRCPTF


The Task Force is a combination of County Sheriff’s Departments, District Attorney Offices, Agricultural Commissioners and local Police Departments together with state agencies such as the Attorney General’s Office, Food and Agriculture and the Governor’s Office of Criminal Justice Planning and the United States Department of Agriculture. Additionally, private organizations within the agri-business community such as the Farm Bureau, the State Grange, the Agri-Business League and other agricultural business related groups form an invaluable part of the Task Force.

We all work together for the common goal of reducing crime in the agriculture related business community.

To Join the CRCPTF:
Contact Robert Winn at:

CRCPTF Mailing Address:


1350 Norris Rd.

Bakersfield, CA 93308