The San Joaquin Water Infrastructure Authority (SJVWIA) took a momentous step to secure additional water storage for California. The SJVWIA submitted an application to apply for a little over 1.3 billion dollars from the Proposition 1 (Water Bond) Water Storage Investment Program to construct the Temperance Flat Dam and Reservoir Project. The project would provide an additional 1.3 million acre-feet of aboveground storage to capture and store high flows in above average water years. The project would be constructed about 6.5 miles upstream from Friant Dam, whose current capacity is only 520,000 acre feet. Chairman of the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association, Phil Hansen, commended the work of the SJVWIA and urged that in light of weather events like last year it is critical that there be aboveground infrastructure, and Temperance Flat is the best project. There is a long road ahead of us but the Association will continue its support to see this project through until the end!