Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law SB 616, which expands California’s existing paid sick leave law – the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014. The new law’s modifications have widespread implications because they will apply to virtually all employees who work in California for 30 days or more in a year. Specifically, the new law will modify existing paid sick leave law by:
- Increasing the annual amount of PSL an employee is entitled to under either the frontload or accrual method from 24 hours or three days to 40 hours or five days;
- For employers who utilize an accrual model other than one hour of leave for every 30 hours worked, increasing the number of PSL hours accrued to 40 hours by their 200thday of employment, in addition to accruing at least 24 hours of PSL by their 120thday of employment;
- Increasing the number of days of carried over PSL an employee can use each year from 24 hours or three days to 40 hours or five days;
- For employers who offer paid leave, increasing the number of days of paid leave an employee is eligible to receive from 24 hours or three days within nine months of employment to 40 hours or five days within six months;
- Increasing the cap on an employee’s accrual of PSL from 48 hours or six days to 80 hours or 10 days;
- Extending certain procedural and anti-retaliation provisions of existing law to employees who are covered by a valid collective bargaining agreement that provides for different paid sick leave obligations; and
- Preempting any local cities’ PSL ordinances with less generous leave requirements to establish the state-wide minimums described above.
These new requirements go into effect on January 1, 2024.