Race 4 Fusarium Field Evaluations of Chemical and Cultural Controls to Reduce Inoculum Survival


Greenhouse studies have evaluated the impact of metam sodium applications, with and without solarization films and associated soil heating, on development of FOV symptoms in varieties of cotton previously recognized as highly-susceptible (a Pima, Phytogen 810-R or DP-744) or moderately susceptible (an Acala, Phytogen-72). The soil media used was a 1:2 mix of soil from a highly infested field site mixed with steam-treated potting mix. Trays of soil mix received the treatments and post-treatment, the soil was transferred into clean, waxed cardboard containers to plant out the seed for further evaluations of disease symptom development and plant survival percentages. In metam sodium trials, three different rates of metam sodium alone did not significantly impact the survival rate (about 30%) or symptoms (root vascular stain index rating averaging about 3 on a scale of 0 (no symptoms) to 5 (severe symptoms) in highlysusceptible Pima varieties. In the moderately susceptible Acala variety, the metam sodium treatments improved the survival rate and reduced vascular stain ratings wl1en compared with untreated soil. In the first trial, averages of about 90% survival were recorded for treated soil versus about 60% survival for untreated. In the second trial, an average of about 90% survival was recorded for treated soil versus…


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