COVID-19 Vaccine Phases and Tiers

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has distributed the COVID-19 vaccines in Phases and Tiers.  The first vaccines have been distributed to Phase 1A – Healthcare workers and Long-term care residents.  They now have allocated the COVID-19 vaccines to Phase 1B – which includes Food and Agriculture.  However, due to the limited supply of COVID-19 vaccines, some local health jurisdictions are providing registration and notification services.  Please click  – scroll down to find your county and click link.  Each county is different and you will need to either click on COVID-19 Resources or COVID-19 Vaccine Information on their webpage.

Food and Ag workers may need to show some form of verification that the worker is employed in the food/ag industry at the vaccination site (i.e., company letter designating essential worker, etc. – see attached sample).  Should you need assistance, please contact our office or Elda Brueggemann at (559) 351-1157.

Sample Letter