CCGGA PAC Fundraiser
Beretta Shotgun Raffle!
There are a few ways to purchase tickets!
1. Tickets are available to be purchased online (link below).
2. Tickets may be purchased directly from the association by contacting our office at (559) 252-0684.
3. All CCGGA Board Members and Advisors will be selling tickets.
All payments made with a personal credit card or personal check will be allocated to CCGGA Federal PAC.
All payments made with a corporate credit card or corporate check will be allocated to CCGGA State PAC.
WIN A 686 SILVER PIGEON I! Tickets - $100/ea. (limit 250 entries) Payment must be received by 5 pm Wednesday, Nov. 22 to 1785 N. Fine Ave. Fresno, CA 93727. All payments made with a personal credit card will go to the CCGGA Federal PAC. All payments made with a company credit card will go to the CCGGA State PAC. Drawing - Wednesday, Dec. 6, 2017 Questions? Call (559) 252-0684
Contributions to the California Cotton Ginners & Growers Federal PAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals and federal government contractors are prohibited. **Federal law requires political committees to report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contribution exceeds $200 in an election cycle.
**Drawing will be held at CCGGA Board Meeting, winners need not be present
California Cotton Ginners & Growers Association
1785 N. Fine Avenue
Fresno, CA 93727