CCGGA Hotel Registration Deadline – MONDAY

The last day to secure your hotel reservation for the CCGGA Annual Meeting at The Cliffs Hotel and Spa is Monday, April 22nd. The CCGGA Annual Meeting will be held May 15th-17th in Pismo, CA including a welcome reception, Annual Golf Tournament at Avila Beach and Golf Resort, Annual Meeting Dinner featuring comedian Greg Warren and an informative business meeting on Friday covering the latest industry issues. Attendees will received updates from Association staff, USDA-AMS, researchers from the cotton ginning laboratories, National Cotton Ginners Association, National Cotton Council, Supima, Cotton Incorporated, University of California Cooperative Extension and much more. Additionally, attendees will receive critical updates on water, crop protection tools, including paraquat and glyphosate, as well as a Sacramento Update from George Soares.

Registration forms can be filled out and returned to our offies with a check (1785 N. Fine Ave. Fresno, CA 93710) or you may register, sponsor and pay online at . Forms must be returned by Wednesday, April 24th. Accomodations can be made by calling The Cliffs Hotel and Spa at (805) 773-5000. In order to receive the group rate of $199/night, identify that you are with California Cotton Ginners & Growers Associaiton group.

If you have any questions, please contact our offices at (559) 252-0684.

Tentative Agenda

Regular Member Registration

Associate Member Registration