California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association’s 2021 Annual Meeting

It’s time for the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association’s 2021 Annual Meeting!  This year’s Annual Meeting will be held live on Wednesday, May 12th at the International Agri-Center in Tulare, California. Registration and Continental Breakfast will begin at 7:30 am.  There is an information-packed agenda that begins at 7:30 with registration and continental breakfast. The program will begin with Breakout Sessions at 8:30 am and will end with lunch. Dan Walters The featured lunch speaker will be Dan Walters from CalMatters.  Walters has been a journalist for nearly 60 years, spending all but a few of those years working for California newspapers, and has written more than 9,000 columns for the Sacramento Union and the Sacramento Bee and continues his column for CalMatters, a non-profit journalistic organization which distributes to dozens of California news outlets.  He has written about California and its politics for a number of other publications, including the Wall Street Journal. He is also an author and contributor, two books of which are, “The Third House: Lobbyists, Power and Money in Sacramento” and “The New California: Facing the 21st Century”. Association staff has met with Agri-Center staff and COVID safety protocols will be in place for now including mask requirements and social distancing.  Attendance is free, but you must be registered! Click here or below to see this year’s agenda and to register. Sponsorship We are soliciting sponsorships from our Associate Members to help defray the costs of this meeting.  Your support will be duly recognized in print in the meeting program and during the meeting. Below is a Sponsorship Form.  Please consider helping by choosing a level of sponsorship from the levels listed and emailing the form to Shana Colby at or fax to our offices promptly at (559) 252-0551 to allow for proper advance planning and recognition.

Agenda & Registration


Annual Meeting Sponsors