The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District held a workshop Monday to present their “revised Plan for the 2012 Annual PM2.5 Standard”. The plan contains air pollution control measures and has been revised to address EPA’s concerns. Originally slated to be in attainment for the 2012 standard by 2025, the new plan proposes 2030 to achieve the standard. To date the District has made huge strides in reducing PM2.5 concentrations and only 5 monitoring stations remain in the valley showing levels about the 12 ug/m3 standard for PM2.5. Unfortunately, to be in attainment, all stations must show levels below 12 ug/m3. The proposed plan focuses on residential wood burning, open areas and mobile source control measures. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the SJVAPCD are also looking at additional measures to ensure attainment including looking at additional Conservation Management Practices (CMPs), low dust nut harvesting equipment and the FARMER program, which is the incentive program that helps farmers purchase cleaner burning tractors and harvesters. Association President/CEO Roger Isom testified at the hearing urging the district to base all regulatory decisions on science-based measurements, and to continue to fund and utilize existing incentive programs like FARMER that have provided effective proven emission reductions while assisting farmers.