
Management of Key Cotton Arthropod Pests with Insecticides and Acaricides


Abstract. The late-season sucking in sect complex (cotton aphids and sweetpotato whiteflies) has hindered cotton production in the San Joaquin Valley (SJV) during the 2000’s. The effects on cotton quality have been most problematic. Insecticides are a primary management tool for late-season insect infestations and Lorsban® 4E is a commonly used treatment. Recent concerns over volatile organic compounds in the SJV have pinpointed emulsifiable concentrate pesticide formulation s, particularly Lorsban 4E, as contributing factors. The activity and mode of action of this formulation make it ideal for controlling aphids on the leaf undersides within the large canopy. This research examined the efficacy of alternative chlorpyrifos formulations and other aphid-active materials against mid-season and late-season infestations of cotton aphids and as a second objective pinpointed and refined the threshold level for treatment of populations. Members of the neonicotinoid class of chemistry, organophosphates, and carbamates and single representatives from the pyridinecarboxamide and pyridine azomethines classes were compared. Aphid populations in 2007 were fairly low and well below threshold values. For mid-season populations, 12 of the 19 treatments provided at least 80% control. Assail® 70WP and Carbine® exhibited the best combination of speed-of-kill, efficacy, and residual control. Aphid control during the late-season…


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