Author Archives: Omni Support

Association Speaks Out on PG&E Gas Rate Increase

PG&E has proposed to increase its revenue requirement for natural gas over the next three years by over $2 billion! Association President/CEO Roger Isom (shown in picture) testified in opposition at a recent public hearing on the case before the Public Utilities Commission. These rate increases are proposed in the 2015 PG&E Gas Transmission and Storage Case (GT&S). PG&E contends this huge increase is necessary for PG&E to carry out all of the necessary pipeline enhancements and replacements in wake of the San Bruno explosions. Ratepayers are being asked to cover more than 75% of the cost with the remaining burden to be picked up by shareholders. The plan would increase rates as follows:

  • 2015: $572 million (80% increase over 2014)
  • 2016: $61 million additional (4.7% increase)
  • 2017: $168 million additional (12.5% increase)
  • Cumulative total = $2.006 billion increase!

CCGGA/WAPA joined the California League of Food Processors as the only ag organizations testifying in opposition to the proposed rate increase which would be devastating to cotton gins, walnut huller/dehydrators, pistachio plants, almond roasters and other processing plants that utilize significant amounts of natural gas. CCGGA/WAPA will be working with the Ag Energy Consumers Association (AECA) to submit formal comments in the proceeding.

Preliminary Pink Bollworm Numbers Are In Acreages Higher than Expected


The preliminary acreages as determined by the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Pink Bollworm Program are in and slightly higher than predicted back in March.  The current estimate is now at a total of 210,000 acres statewide with 197,000 acres in the San Joaquin Valley, 10,255 acres in Southern California and an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 acres in the Sacramento Valley.  The breakdown in the San Joaquin Valley is as follows:

               Fresno County –                47,805
               Kern County –                   34,660
               Kings County –                  63.970
               Madera County –               745
               Merced County –               35,945
               Total =                                197,115

In Southern California, the breakdown is as follows:

               Imperial County –             2,695
               Riverside County –            7,445
               San Bernandino County  –  115
               Total =                                10,255

The Sacramento County acres are still being determined, but again estimated to be between 2,500 and 3,000 acres.  In terms of variety, the pima vs. upland/acala has yet to be determined.  We will notify everyone when that becomes available. 

Please be advised that the acres listed are based on Pink Bollworm Program field mapping tecniques are intended for use on PBW Program detection and control activities and are not assumed to represent exact cotton acreage planted in California.