Author Archives: ccgga

2018 Seed Cotton Program Webinar

The National Cotton Council invites its members and interest organizations to participate in regional information webinars regarding provisions of the recently authorized 2018 Seed Cotton farm program. Information will be provided on the provisions of the Seed Cotton program including examples of support levels under various price scenarios and examples of generic base conversion options. IN addition, updates on the new farm bill will be discussed. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session.

**Given that there is a limit on the number of participants per call, the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association will be hosting a group webinar for the West Region in our offices (1785 N. Fine Ave. Fresno, CA 93727) on Tuesday, February 20 at noon. Mike Brueggemann with National Cotton Council will be in attendance provide assistance in answering and directing questions. If you are unable to participate in the CCGGA group webinar in our offices, you may use the information below to join the webinar.**

For details on connecting to the webinar please download the “Webinar Information” form below.

Webinar Information

Seed Cotton Program Summary

Register TODAY for the CCGGA Annual Meeting, Feb. 21-23

Less than 5 days to register for the 2018 CCGGA Annual Meeting taking place at the Monterey Plaza from February 21-23. Registration forms and payment must be submitted to our offices no later than Friday, February 16th.

CCGGA will be offering a FREE Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Planning Certification course in conjunction with this year’s meeting. The course will be held the morning of Thursday, February 22nd. Growers are HIGHLY encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity as this self-certification will become increasingly valuable to achieve compliance with the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program.

Other highlights of this year’s meeting will include a Wednesday evening reception, the CCGGA Annual Golf Tournament at the Quail Lodge & Golf Club as well as the CCGGA Annual Meeting dinner Thursday evening where guests will enjoy the comedic entertainment by Adam Ferrara! Adam Ferrara comes from the critically acclaimed & Emmy award winning TV shows Rescue Me & Nurse Jackie, he is also one of the hosts of the world renowned automotive series TopGear US.

Attendees will receive critical industry updates at the Friday Business Meeting, which will include a ginner’s and a grower’s track. Topics of discussion will include an annual insect panel review, classing office activities, gin lab research updates and MUCH MORE! Guest speakers include representatives from the National Cotton Ginners Association, National Cotton Council, Cotton Board, Supima and Association staff.

The deadline to receive rooms at the Annual Meeting discount rate has passed, rooms are now at regular price and subject to availability. Please complete and return your registration forms with payment ASAP. Deadline to register is Friday, February 16th. You can pay for your registration online and download forms at

If you have any questions please contact our offices at (559) 252-0684.

Tentative CCGGA Annual Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
5:00 pm               Welcome Reception – Lower Terrace
Thursday, February 22, 2018
8:00 am                Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan Self Certification Workshop – Carmel Room
8:30 am                CCGGA Golf Tournament – Quail Lodge and Golf Club, Carmel Valley
6:00 pm               Reception – Lower Terrace
7:00 pm               Dinner – Monterey Bay Room
8:00 pm               Entertainment: Comedian Adam Ferrara – Monterey Bay Room
Friday, February 23, 2018
Business Meeting Agenda
8:00 am                Welcome/Introductions – Phil Hansen, Chairman, CCGGA
8:05 am                CCGA Financial Report – Janell Attebury, Baker Peterson Franklin
8:15 am                National Cotton Council Update – Mike Brueggemann, National Cotton Council
8:35 am                Supima Update – Earl P. Williams, Supima
8:55 am                Cotton Inc. Update – Christi Chadwell, Cotton Inc.
9:15 am                BREAKOUTS

Ginners Track
Cypress Ballroom
Growers Track
Carmel Ballroom
National Cotton Ginners Association Update
Stan Creelman, President, NCGA 9:15-10:15
Insect Pressures – 2017 Season in Review Panel Discussion
Bob Hutmacher, UC Cooperative Extension State Cotton Specialist, Moderator  Panelists:
Cotton Ginning Laboratory Research Update
Derek Whitelock, Research Leader, USDA-ARS, SWCGRL
Cotton Classing Update
Greg Townsend, Area Director, USDA AMS

10:15 am             **BREAK**
10:35 am             Sacramento Update – George Soares, Kahn, Soares & Conway
10:55 am             Regulatory and Legislative Issues Update
Roger Isom, President/CEO, CCGGA
Christopher McGlothlin, Director of Technical Services, CCGGA
Jodi Raley, Director of Regulatory Affairs, CCGGA
11:55 am             Closing Remarks – Phil Hansen, Chairman, CCGGA

Regular Registration Packet

Associate Packet

Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Training Registration

Upcoming Seminars

WAPA along with other Agricultural Associations and Organizations are sponsoring two upcoming seminars.  These seminars are provided at no charge to WAPA Members!

The first is the Heat Illness Prevention Training which will be held on Friday April 13th at the C.P.D.E.S Portuguese Hall, see attached flyer registration.

The second is Sexual Harassment Prevention Training which will be held on Thursday, April 26 at the Fresno County Farm Bureau, see attached flyer for registration.

Heat Illness Prevention 4-13-18 Easton

Sexual Harassment Seminar 4-26-18 FCFB

State Water Board Releases 2018-2019 Proposed Fee Schedule

Earlier this month, State Water Board (SWB) accounting staff released their proposed fee and accounting information for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.  To no surprise, the presentation that was provide displayed an increase in fees for both the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) as well as the Waste Discharge Requirement (WDR) Program.  Increases for the WDR program were proposed at 10.2%, whereas the ILRP program is facing a 14.4% increase in cost for compliance.  These programs are grouped along with several other programs that make up the enforceable programs covered by the State Water Board.  Fee collection goes toward staff time to evaluate the information submitted, enforcement of programs, as well as the increasing amount going for SWB employee benefits. The Association’s Director of Technical Services, Chris McGlothlin, made comments to staff in opposition of any proposed fee increase or restructuring.  This is a preliminary proposal, and there will be follow up meetings where the proposal numbers are adjusted based off of the kind of reserve amounts that have amassed in SWB program accounts.  We will keep you updated.

State Water Board Approves Eastern San Joaquin Revised Order

The State Water Board (SWB) met in the beginning of February to discuss and vote on the East San Joaquin Proposed Order.  Board listened to numerous comments, and several panels that looked at numerous details that are included in the plan.   Staff was also able to answer questions posed by attendees and Board Members.

The East San Joaquin Staff-Proposed Order – Draft #2 was released late in January, with a 3rd draft being released in the beginning of February.  Changes to the East San Joaquin Order primarily focused on growers, and included certification requirements for growers operating in High Vulnerability threat to groundwater ratings.  Another inclusion in the plan adds another reporting requirement in the new Management Practices Implementation Report (MPIR).  This plan will be submitted along with the altered Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan (INMP).  The most significant change regarding the order will be the increased cost that growers will be required to pay in order to remain in compliance.  The Association testified in opposition, with Director of Technical Services, Chris McGlothlin, commenting on the lack of thorough economic analysis included in the Staff Order.  Costs are only estimated for implementation in the East San Joaquin Water Quality Coalition, however, cost estimates for implementation in other regions has not been considered at this point.

Board Members recommended that areas to streamline reporting requirements, and find ways to cut cost associated with the new requirements of this Order. However, Board Members also recommended that Regional Boards identify “outlier” operations that were demonstrating over-application of nitrogen in their fields.  The Board moved forward with the vote and approved the changes.  Edits have been released for review.  Stay Tuned.

Petition Drive for Prop 1 Funding

In 2014, Californians voted to improve our state’s failing water infrastructure and build additional water storage – including Sites Reservoir and Temperance Flat.

Now, the California Water Commission is snubbing these critical projects and jeopardizing their funding. The Commission’s decision has put California’s future and water security at risk.

Have your voice heard!

Tell the Water Commission that we need additional water storage to prepare for the next drought, and we need it now. Sign the petition today!

Association Lone Opposition to Fee Increase by SJVAPCD

The Association testified this past week in opposition to a proposed increase in fees to permit holders in the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD).  The SJVAPCD is proposing a 4.8% increase in 2018/2019 and a 4.6% increase I 2019/2020.   This will affect permit application fees, permit renewal fees and permit processing fees.  The SJVAPCD held fast to their claim to have the lowest fees of any of the large air districts, and to have the most cost effective permitting program among all air districts as evidenced through independent audits.  The Association was the only organization to speak in opposition to the proposed fees increases at a workshop held this week.  Association President/CEO Roger Isom recognized the District’s efforts to streamline their programs, but questioned the District on several aspects of their proposal.  First, Isom pointed out that while SJVAPCD fees might be lower compared to large air districts like the South Coast and Bay Area Air Quality Management Districts, they are significantly higher than all of the rural districts like the Yolo/Solano, Feather River and Mojave Desert Air Quality Management Districts and all of the County Air Pollution Control Districts in the Sacramento Valley.  Isom also pointed out that the SJVAPCD had the highest hourly permit processing rate amongst the rural districts, and the second highest permit renewal fee.  Isom further pointed out that this fee increase follows the last fee increase by the SJVAPCD in 2016, less than two (2) years ago!  Finally, Isom simply stated “Our members are being Fee’d to death.  We cannot pass along the cost, and every agency wants to keep increasing their fees.  While we appreciate the District’s efforts to minimize the fee increase, enough is enough!”

CCGGA Annual Meeting Registration Deadline EXTENDED

CCGGA Annual Meeting Registration Deadline EXTENDED

The registration deadline for the 2018 CCGGA Annual Meeting has been extended from Friday, February 9th to Friday, February 16th. The 2018 Annual Meeting will be held at the Monterey Plaza from February 21-23.
This year’s meeting will be one for the books as we offer a new and FREE Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan Self Certification course on Thursday, February, 22nd in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. This specific training will prove extremely valuable as growers will be able to utilize this certification to achieve compliance for the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program.
In addition, attendees will enjoy a Wednesday evening reception, the Annual CCGGA Golf Tournament at the Quail Lodge & Golf Club and the CCGGA Annual Meeting Dinner complete with entertainment provided by comedian Adam Ferrara! Members will dive into an information packed agenda for the Friday Business Meeting, which will include a ginner’s and a grower’s track. Topics of discussion will include an annual insect panel review, classing office activities, gin lab research updates and MUCH MORE! Guest speakers include representatives from the National Cotton Ginners Association, National Cotton Council, Cotton Inc., Supima and Association staff.
The deadline to receive rooms at the Annual Meeting discount rate has passed, rooms are now at regular price and subject to availability. Please complete and return your registration forms with payment ASAP. Deadline to register is now Friday, February 16th. You can pay for your registration online and download froms at //

If you have any questions please contact our offices at (559) 252-0684.

Tentative CCGGA Annual Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
5:00 pm               Welcome Reception – Lower Terrace
Thursday, February 22, 2018
8:00 am                Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan Self Certification Workshop – Carmel Room
8:30 am                CCGGA Golf Tournament – Quail Lodge and Golf Club, Carmel Valley
6:00 pm               Reception – Lower Terrace
7:00 pm               Dinner – Monterey Bay Room
8:00 pm               Entertainment: Comedian Adam Ferrara – Monterey Bay Room
Friday, February 23, 2018
Business Meeting Agenda
8:00 am                Welcome/Introductions – Phil Hansen, Chairman, CCGGA
8:05 am                CCGA Financial Report – Janell Attebury, Baker Peterson Franklin
8:15 am                National Cotton Council Update – Mike Brueggemann, National Cotton Council
8:35 am                Supima Update – Earl P. Williams, Supima
8:55 am                Cotton Inc. Update – Christi Chadwell, Cotton Inc.
9:15 am                BREAKOUTS

Ginners Track
Cypress Ballroom
Growers Track
Carmel Ballroom
National Cotton Ginners Association Update
Stan Creelman, President, NCGA 9:15-10:15
Insect Pressures – 2017 Season in Review Panel Discussion
Bob Hutmacher, UC Cooperative Extension State Cotton Specialist, Moderator  Panelists:
Cotton Ginning Laboratory Research Update
Derek Whitelock, Research Leader, USDA-ARS, SWCGRL
Cotton Classing Update
Greg Townsend, Area Director, USDA AMS

10:15 am             **BREAK**
10:35 am             Sacramento Update – George Soares, Kahn, Soares & Conway
10:55 am             Regulatory and Legislative Issues Update
Roger Isom, President/CEO, CCGGA
Christopher McGlothlin, Director of Technical Services, CCGGA
Jodi Raley, Director of Regulatory Affairs, CCGGA
11:55 am             Closing Remarks – Phil Hansen, Chairman, CCGGA

Regular Registration Packet

Associate Packet

Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Training Registration

URGENT ALERT! DHS Performing I-9 Audits

By: Michael C. Saqui and Rebecca Hause-Schultz

We have just received word that the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) is showing up to agricultural employers, and in particular packing houses, in the Central Valley performing I-9 Audits. The most critical thing for employers to do in the event of an audit is BE PREPARED! You can find our Cheat Sheet™ for employers “What to Do When ICE Shows Up” here.
New in California this year, under AB 450, an employer may not voluntarily consent to ICE performing audits. The bill makes it clear that it does not override federal law and that employers must act in compliance with a subpoena or court order presented by ICE. Employers are also required to provide notice to current employees of an inspection of Form I-9 within 72 hours of receiving a federal Notice of Inspection—notice must also be provided in writing to the employees’ union, if there is one. Penalties for non-compliance range from $2,000 to $5,000 for an initial violation and $5,000 to $10,000 for subsequent violations. If you have any questions about what to do when ICE shows up, contact the experts at The Saqui Law Group.

  • The Saqui Law Group “I-9 Audits – What to Do When ICE Shows Up” Podcast can be found on iTunes, Google Play, or on our website here!


The registration deadline for the 2018 CCGGA Annual Meeting has been extended from Friday, February 9th to Friday, February 16th. The 2018 Annual Meeting will be held at the Monterey Plaza from February 21-23.
This year’s meeting will be one for the books as we offer a new and FREE Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan Self Certification course on Thursday, February, 22nd in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. This specific training will prove extremely valuable as growers will be able to utilize this certification to achieve compliance for the Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program.
In addition, attendees will enjoy a Wednesday evening reception, the Annual CCGGA Golf Tournament at the Quail Lodge & Golf Club and the CCGGA Annual Meeting Dinner complete with entertainment provided by comedian Adam Ferrara! Members will dive into an information packed agenda for the Friday Business Meeting, which will include a ginner’s and a grower’s track. Topics of discussion will include an annual insect panel review, classing office activities, gin lab research updates and MUCH MORE! Guest speakers include representatives from the National Cotton Ginners Association, National Cotton Council, Cotton Inc., Supima and Association staff.
The deadline to receive rooms at the Annual Meeting discount rate has passed, rooms are now at regular price and subject to availability. Please complete and return your registration forms with payment ASAP. Deadline to register is now Friday, February 16th. You can pay for your registration online and download froms at

If you have any questions please contact our offices at (559) 252-0684.

Tentative CCGGA Annual Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
5:00 pm               Welcome Reception – Lower Terrace
Thursday, February 22, 2018
8:00 am                Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Plan Self Certification Workshop – Carmel Room
8:30 am                CCGGA Golf Tournament – Quail Lodge and Golf Club, Carmel Valley
6:00 pm               Reception – Lower Terrace
7:00 pm               Dinner – Monterey Bay Room
8:00 pm               Entertainment: Comedian Adam Ferrara – Monterey Bay Room
Friday, February 23, 2018
Business Meeting Agenda
8:00 am                Welcome/Introductions – Phil Hansen, Chairman, CCGGA
8:05 am                CCGA Financial Report – Janell Attebury, Baker Peterson Franklin
8:15 am                National Cotton Council Update – Mike Brueggemann, National Cotton Council
8:35 am                Supima Update – Earl P. Williams, Supima
8:55 am                Cotton Inc. Update – Christi Chadwell, Cotton Inc.
9:15 am                BREAKOUTS

Ginners Track
Cypress Ballroom
Growers Track
Carmel Ballroom
National Cotton Ginners Association Update
Stan Creelman, President, NCGA 9:15-10:15
Insect Pressures – 2017 Season in Review Panel Discussion
Bob Hutmacher, UC Cooperative Extension State Cotton Specialist, Moderator  Panelists:
Cotton Ginning Laboratory Research Update
Derek Whitelock, Research Leader, USDA-ARS, SWCGRL
Cotton Classing Update
Greg Townsend, Area Director, USDA AMS

10:15 am             **BREAK**
10:35 am             Sacramento Update – George Soares, Kahn, Soares & Conway
10:55 am             Regulatory and Legislative Issues Update
Roger Isom, President/CEO, CCGGA
Christopher McGlothlin, Director of Technical Services, CCGGA
Jodi Raley, Director of Regulatory Affairs, CCGGA
11:55 am             Closing Remarks – Phil Hansen, Chairman, CCGGA

Regular Registration Packet

Associate Packet

Irrigation & Nitrogen Management Training Registration