Association President/CEO Roger A. Isom and Director of Technical Services Christopher McGlothlin both testified at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board Meeting where the latest State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Attaining the Federal PM2.5 Ambient Air Quality Standard. This plan is a far reaching plan that will include measures for reducing emissions from low dust almond harvesters, require more conservation management plan measures on farms, especially ones that address windblown dust on fallowed fields, and potential new requirements for irrigation pump engines. Isom commented on the need to base any new measures on actual scientific research and measurements and only focus on those measures that actually move the needle. Isom also commented on the need for incentives to assist in these efforts and warned the board of the impending disaster with the lack of electric infrastructure. Director of Technical Services McGlothlin responded to some of the environmental justice activists who criticized the District for not going far enough and wanting to be more restrictive. While many of the activists criticized the plan as being a mere extension, McGlothlin pointed out that many within the agricultural industry were stepping up to meet the constantly changing regulations. Regulations such as updated control efficiencies for Boilers, Roasters and Process Heaters as well as voluntarily transitioning older tractors out for lower emitting equipment on a quicker timeline. McGlothlin also highlighted the fact that the Air District already has the toughest regulations in the country, and has been able to achieve tightening air quality standards with the assistance of industry stepping up to do its part.