Association Submits 24c for Sefina Inscalis

The California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association (CCGGA) submitted a 24c Special Local Needs Application for a 3rd application of Sefina Inscalis (afidopyropen) to combat the intense lygus pressure on cotton in the San Joaquin Valley.  The application included letters of support from Ag Commissioners from Fresno, Kern, Kings, and Merced, as well as letters of support from BASF and UC Cooperative Extension.  This is very similar to the Section 18 application submitted and granted last year to CCGGA.  While it is not a silver bullet, the industry is hoping it provides some efficacy to bring lygus under control.  We are hoping for a fairly quick turnaround by CDPR since nothing is changed from last year’s Section 18 application and that was issued fairly quickly.  Meanwhile the Association will keep up its efforts to get Transform (sulfoxaflor) issued.