Association Continues to Speak out Against CDPR’s Notification Regulation

Association President/CEO Roger Isom testified at the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (CDPR’s) Advance Pesticide Notification Regulation that would notify anyone who signs up to be notified at least 24 hours in advance of the application of a restricted pesticide.  More than 80 people attended the event held Friday night in Turlock. Approximately 50 participants testified at the event with farmworker representatives and anti-pesticide activists calling for the regulations to now specify the exact location of each restricted pesticide application. The current draft allows someone to enter an address, and they will receive notification of any restricted pesticide application within a square mile of the application.  Activists showed up in force holding a rally before the meeting immediately outside the venue and then repeatedly chanting during the hearing. Activists outnumbered agricultural interest 9 to 1.  Joining the Association to testify from agriculture were the California Farm Bureau Federation, San Joaquin Farm Bureau, Western Plant Health Association and one grower, Brent Barton from Barton Ranch. Isom’s comments centered on CDPR’s lack of explanation of their existing registration process and the protections already put in place to protect workers, bystanders and residents.  Isom stated “there are already protections in place. There is no way DPR or the ag commissioners that are here tonight would ever allow the application of a pesticide that would impact a farmworker, resident or innocent bystander. They just wouldn’t do it.”