About Us

Welcome to the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association's website. Here you can find out what we are up to with our latest news feed, learn more about specific industry issues, or learn more about us and what our organizations do for the California cotton industry.

The California Cotton Ginners and Growers Associations are voluntary agricultural trade associations that proudly represent 100% of all cotton ginners and growers in the state. Our associations represent our members on a variety of issues at both the state and federal level, including air quality, water quality, energy, environmental, labor, taxes, transportation and many others. Our focus is solely on California cotton, which gives us the opportunity to specifically represent the interest of the California cotton industry. With numerous success stories under our belt and many more on the horizon, the associations have gained a reputation for first class representation both locally and statewide.

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News & Issues

Bureau Increases Water Allocation to 50%

This week, the Bureau of Reclamation announced another increase in the Central Valley Project 2024 water supply allocation for south-of-Delta contractors.  While all north-of-Delta Central Valley Project contractors are currently at 100% of their supplies, south-of-Delta agricultural contractors are being increased from 40% to 50%.  All other Central Valley Project contract allocations remain the same per the March 22 water […]

Association Submits 24c for Sefina Inscalis

The California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association (CCGGA) submitted a 24c Special Local Needs Application for a 3rd application of Sefina Inscalis (afidopyropen) to combat the intense lygus pressure on cotton in the San Joaquin Valley.  The application included letters of support from Ag Commissioners from Fresno, Kern, Kings, and Merced, as well as letters […]

Association Testifies at PM2.5 Plan Hearing

Association President/CEO Roger A. Isom and Director of Technical Services Christopher McGlothlin both testified at the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Governing Board Meeting where the latest State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Attaining the Federal PM2.5 Ambient Air Quality Standard.  This plan is a far reaching plan that will include measures for reducing […]

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